Financial Intelligence Library
Weekly Market Update
We are pleased to announce the launch of our Member Services Desk (MSD) Weekly Market Update. In response to member feedback and in an effort to provide our membership with valuable insight to help further your business goals, the MSD Weekly Market Update is designed to provide insight into current market trends and news and will be released every Friday.
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MSD Weekly Market Update: Week Ending March 21, 2025

Markets will face busy and decidedly mixed data releases in the next week. New home sales likely rebounded, but prices received by sellers in major metro areas probably slipped at the beginning of 2025. Economic uncertainty has likely weighed heavily on consumers’ spirits in...
2025 Investment Outlook: What to Expect After the Landing?

Inflation has cooled substantially in most major economies, with no significant downturn in global growth. And it appears that the long-anticipated “soft landing” has arrived, so what happens next? Back by popular demand, Kristina Hooper, Chief Global Market Strategist at Invesco, discusses her 2025...
Mid-Year Outlook: Managing Through Rising Risks

Kristina Hooper discusses her outlook for the economy and markets for the remainder of 2023 and beyond. From recent challenges in the banking industry to inflation to earnings, 2023 has already faced a variety of uncertainties...
FHLBNY Municipal Letters of Credit

Our Municipal Letter of Credit (MULOC) Program is a reliable and secure form of collateralization for State and municipal deposits in all operating environments. During recent severe market stress our MULOCs performed as designed, with municipal deposits remaining fully collateralized, safe and secure....
Solving the Liquidity Challenge for Credit Unions

We are delighted to host our first informative session of 2023. This webinar will address current and upcoming liquidity challenges in our industry and what credit unions should consider doing to develop a “best practice” approach to liquidity management. Deposits are down, cash levels...
Addressing Potential Risks with the Fixed-Rate Advance with a SOFR Cap

As we emerge from the pandemic we are now in a new interest-rate cycle highlighted by a rising rate of inflation accompanied by the Fed taking significant action to tighten, raising short-term interest rates at a rapid cadence while at the same time shrinking...
ESG and Climate Risk in Financial Services: Evolution, Expectations and Challenges

We are delighted to host another informative session with Deloitte subject matter specialists on key ESG concepts. There is an increased focus on Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors for financial institutions, with an emphasis on Climate Risk...
How Close to a Tipping Point?

Responding to the ongoing surge in consumer price inflation, the Federal Open Market Committee has embarked on what likely will prove the most aggressive tightening of monetary policy in decades. With real GDP contracting slightly during the winter and tracking estimates for the quarter...
Mid-Year Outlook: Managing Through Rising Inflation

In this webinar, Kristina Hooper walks through Invesco’s 2022 Mid-Year Investment Outlook, a practical guide to help FHLBNY members make more informed decisions. At the midpoint of 2022, COVID-19’s remarkable effects on economies and policies remain top of mind, but a new set of...
The NEV Supervisory Test The “Perfect Storm” Has Arrived

In this webinar for Credit Unions, Frank Farone, Managing Director at Darling Consulting Group, addresses the recent operating environment and what that means for the Net Economic Value (NEV) Supervisory Test...
Be Prepared for a New Point in the Interest Rate Cycle

With economic activity expanding at an above-trend pace and consumer prices climbing at the fastest pace in four decades, we are entering a new phase of the interest-rate cycle with the Federal Reserve shifting to a less- accommodative monetary policy stance...
Environmental Social Governance Panel Session

Environment Social Governance (ESG) cuts across all business operations and is expected to grow in prevalence across the financial services industry. Enjoy this thought-provoking discussion about ESG from the NJBankers Economic Leadership Forum, featuring...
What’s on Tap for Investments in 2022?

Kristina Hooper, CFP®, CAIA, CIMA®, ChFC®, Invesco’s Chief Global Marketing Strategist, walks through Invesco’s 2022 Investment Outlook, a practical guide to help FHLBNY members make more informed investment decisions. Following dramatic fiscal and monetary policy moves in...
FHLBNY Advance Rebate Program

Under the Advance Rebate Program, which represents an enhancement to our current advance prepayment methodology, the FHLBNY will provide members with a cash rebate on a portion of the fees paid relating to the early extinguishment of eligible advances when...
Your Trusted Partner Through All Operating Environments: A Fireside Chat with José R. González, President and CEO

In case you were unable to view the live webinar on December 9, 2021—Your Trusted Partner Through All Operating Environments: A Fireside Chat with José R. González, President and CEO, Presented by FHLBNY...
Interest Rate Swaps: Consider All the Options in Managing Interest Rate Risk

Interest Rate Swaps can be an effective tool in managing asset/liability mismatches present in many of our member’s balance sheets. Mismatches occur when a member funds long-term assets using short-term liabilities, or vice versa. Interest Rate Swaps involve...
Creating a High Performing ALCO: Making the Complex, Simple!

Join Darling Consulting Group Managing Director, Frank Farone, for this timely and strategically focused webinar. This session will provide a roadmap to create a highly efficient asset-liability management...
Beyond the Recovery Phase of the Economic Expansion

Consistent with recession probability models, the National Bureau of Economic Research announced in mid-July that the recession triggered by the public healthcare crisis ended in April 2020...
Collateralize Municipal Deposits with Letters of Credit

FHLBNY Municipal Letter of Credit (MULOC) product allows qualified depository institution members to collateralize municipal deposits with a low-cost letter of credit secured by whole-loan...
Taking Stock of the Current Economic Expansion

On a monthly basis, the recovery from the pandemic-induced shuttering of the U.S. economy marked its one-year anniversary in April. Buoyed by massive fiscal support and expanding COVID-19 vaccinations...
Crisis, Regulation & Technology: The Complicated Past, Present & Future of Financial Services

In this one-hour session, Professor Thomas P. Vartanian will discuss his new book, 200 Years of American Financial Panics: Crashes, Recessions, Depressions, And The Technology That Will Change It All, and synthesize the history and causes of...
ESG & Climate Risk: An Introduction for Financial Services Institutions

There is an increased focus on Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors for financial institutions, and opportunities for your organization to reap the benefits of acting in the long term. This presentation will provide participants with an introduction to ESG concepts...
Evolution of Payments

After a long period of gradual advancements, we see an accelerated pace of change and innovation across the payment space. The financial services industry will undoubtedly have to adapt quickly to these coming changes. In this one-hour session...
The Evolution of CDFIs and Their Growing Partnership Opportunity with the FHLBNY

A discussion about the growing partnership between CDFIs and the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York. Our special guest presenter, Clifford Rosenthal, has served in the CDFI movement’s leadership...
LIBOR Transition: Fourth Quarter or Overtime?

The transition away from LIBOR has been years in the making. This year was to be the Fourth Quarter with the end of LIBOR targeted to be December 31, 2021. Recently, the Official Sector confirmed...
You Can’t Predict, But You Can Prepare: Getting Ready for the Rest of 2021

Back by popular demand, Scott Hildenbrand presents a timely discussion focused on balance sheet strategies and tactics in the current operating environment...
The Next M&A Wave is Here: What are the implications for consolidators and independent-minded institutions?

As we emerge from the current COVID-19 crisis, we are seeing significant structural changes occurring within the financial industries that are certain to impact the pace of M&A. The low-rate environment...
Balance Sheet Strategies with 2020 Hindsight: Margin & Earnings Pressures Intensifying

As we enter 2021, lower interest margins and net interest income pressures continue across the industry with no end in sight. Credit-related uncertainties and concerns are also notably elevated, as evidenced by a spike in CECL/ALLL provisions...
Our Year of the Pandemic: An Industry Review

Despite the very difficult operating environment driven by the pandemic, many FHLBNY members actually increased profits in 2020. This webinar provides a look at the pandemic, the current and future state of our industry, and how to apply...
Turning the Page: The U.S. and Local Economic Outlook

The year ahead appears poised to be a turning point for the U.S. and local economies. The discovery and growing distribution of vaccines against COVID-19 should allow a return to some normalcy later this year. At the same time, a new administration in Washington...
Starting the Year Right: Strategies for Success in 2021

As we enter a new year still amid a global pandemic, it is becoming quite clear that 2021 will begin with a tremendous amount of uncertainty. The new year will pose a challenging operating environment to our members marked by strong headwinds and some...
Balance Sheet Strategies vs. Tactics: Preparing for Q4 and 2021

There are effective tactics worth examining and executing in today's rate environment and economic landscape. But don't get comfortable that you have set a strategy simply by executing tactics...
Digital Transformation Simplified

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it even more clear that community financial institutions matter. It has also highlighted an open secret - outdated technology is holding back the industry, and banks...
How Strong a Rebound?

The US Economy is gradually re-opening and there are encouraging signs that the coming recovery may indeed be V-shaped. Is such optimism warranted with lingering headwinds from the pandemic still on the horizon...
Managing Depositors and Deposit Flows

Managing deposit costs is more than just pricing. In this second session of the two-part webinar series presented by Parliment Consulting Services, Janet Lockwood presents analytical tools...
Lending in the Midst of a Perfect Storm

Navigating through this current crisis presents formidable challenges for our members relating to diminished loan demand, a very difficult rate environment....
The Great Transition: LIBOR to SOFR

In this webinar, Rei Shinozuka summarized the history of the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), and why U.S. dollar rates are transitioning to the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR)...
Looking for Light at the End of the Tunnel

The COVID-19 outbreak has triggered the sharpest contraction in U.S. economic activity and rise in unemployment since the Great Depression...
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loans: Entering the Next Phase

Our members that PPP lending has been a primary focus, with many unknowns still yet to unfold. In this session, we welcome Michael Schor and Sunil Kapur of Deloitte, who will explore topics such as...
Collateral Practices During COVID-19

This educational webinar to explore the issues impacting member collateral during the COVID-19 crisis. Topics will include valuations, loan forbearance programs, acceptance of....
ALM Strategies for Unprecedented Times

In this virtual event series, the webinar is a moderated discussion which addresses the current health crisis and its significant impacts on the balance sheets of our members....
Looking Ahead to the Grand Reopening

Following a period of prolonged economic weakness, the economy is finally heating up and the Federal Reserve is tightening by raising interest rates. While net interest margins are improving for...
FHLBNY Putable Advance Modification Program

In an effort to provide our members with additional solutions for today’s challenging economic environment, the FHLBNY is pleased to offer the opportunity to modify certain puttable advances into new fixed-rate advance structures...
Podcast Series — The Great Transition: LIBOR-SOFR, Episodes 5 and 6

In these final episodes of “The Great Transition: LIBOR-SOFR” podcast series, we focus on the various uses of LIBOR in the marketplace as well as what our regulators are doing to help facilitate the transition...
Podcast Series — The Great Transition: LIBOR-SOFR, Episodes 3 and 4

In episode 3, “Jumping on the SOFR Bandwagon,” we discuss the differences between LIBOR and SOFR-indexed instruments as well as how to leverage the potential benefits of SOFR for your institution...
Podcast Series — The Great Transition: LIBOR-SOFR, Episodes 1 and 2

The FHLBNY is pleased to present our new podcast series, “The Great Transition: LIBOR-SOFR.” In episode 1, we take a deep dive into the history behind the London Inter-bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and what you can expect as the industry transitions to SOFR...
Despite Yield-Curve Inversions, Recession Appears A Long Way Off

Even before it became the longest expansion in U.S. history in July, the longevity of the current business cycle upturn prompted market participants and commentators to look for signs of its impending demise. With real business activity ambling along...
Interest Rate Risk, Liquidity, and the Net Economic Value Supervisory Test

Interest rate risk is a paramount regulatory concern. Managing that risk and being able to justify your balance sheet strategies is critical to success. This session will give our Credit Union membership the tools they need to overcome challenges and make the most of...
Achieve Optimal Performance: Balance Sheet Strategies for a Flattening Yield Curve Environment

Following a period of prolonged economic weakness, the economy is finally heating up and the Federal Reserve is tightening by raising interest rates. While net interest margins are improving for many, others are feeling the squeeze...
LIBOR’s Transition to SOFR

The LIBOR Transition is the biggest transformation in financial services today, affecting some $200 trillion of U.S. Dollar transactions. LIBOR is slated for cessation at the end of 2021. Increasingly, financial regulators in the US and UK are speaking out about LIBOR reform...
Positioning Your Institution for Success

What if you had the ability, through your membership in the FHLBNY, to optimize your balance sheet, reduce risk, enhance your bottom line, grow capital or invest in your business? Being a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York (FHLBNY) puts...
Amortizing Advances

Some members elect to sell long-term, fixed-rate residential mortgages to the secondary market rather than confront the interest rate risk associated with these loans. Forgoing the spread associated with residential mortgages could be a missed opportunity for financial institutions.
You Have the Power — Using the Callable Advance for Flexible Funding in Challenging Times

The Callable Advance was developed in consultation with our members to help meet their changing liquidity needs and to assist in their asset/liability management. The Callable Advance is essentially a Fixed-Rate Advance that gives members the option of calling (terminating)...
What Goes Up Must Come Down—Managing Interest-Rate Risk with the Fixed-Rate with Cap

The FHLBNY Fixed-Rate Advance with a LIBOR Cap (Fixed-Rate with Cap) product is a hybrid funding option that combines a fixed-rate borrowing with an embedded interest-rate cap that is tied to the 3-Month LIBOR rate, with maturities from 1 to 10 years.
Principal-Deferred Advance

The Principal-Deferred Advance (PDA) is a hybrid advance product that combines elements of the Fixed-Rate Advance and the Amortizing Advance. With the PDA, principal payments are deferred for a predetermined period, while the interest rate is locked...
Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Is My Funding Strategy the Fairest of Them All?

As the current interest rate cycle progresses, the yield curve has inverted with long-term treasury rates testing historic lows. The push on deposit growth in 2018 has left many banks and credit unions with a higher cost of funds than in years past,...
Symmetrical Prepayment Advance (SPA) Feature

Federal Home Loan Bank of New York (FHLBNY) members have the ability, at the time of the trade, to add symmetry to certain advances with maturities of one year or greater. The SPA feature allows members to receive compensation for favorable changes...
Now What? Navigating Fearlessly Through a Turbulent Environment

Bring Your ALM Strategies Out of Hibernation this Groundhog's Day! Presented by Frank L. Farone | Darling Consulting Group (DCG). Designed to address credit union-specific challenges and opportunities, and learn how to properly assess and manage today's risks...
ALCO Decision Making—Making the Right Decisions at the Right Time

In a period of slow economic growth, many credit unions face unprecedented challenges. Pressure on net interest margins, declining fee revenues, and heightened operating regulatory expenses all have contributed to the decline in bottom-line income...
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The content provided in these disclosures is presented as a courtesy to be used only for informational purposes and is not represented to be error free. The FHLBNY makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the content contained herein, such representations and warranties being expressly disclaimed. The FHLBNY is not a financial or investment advisor.
Moreover, the FHLBNY does not represent or warrant that the content of these disclosures is accurate, complete or current for any specific or particular purpose or application. It is not intended to provide nor should anyone consider that it provides legal, accounting, tax or other advice. Such advice should only be rendered in reference to the particular facts and circumstances appropriate to each situation. The FHLBNY encourages you to contact appropriate professional(s) and consultant(s) to assess your specific needs and circumstances and to render such advice accordingly. In addition, the FHLBNY is not endorsing or recommending the use of the means or methods contained in or through these disclosures for any special or particular purpose.
It is solely your responsibility to evaluate the risks or merits of any funding or investment strategy. In no event will FHLBNY or any of its officers, directors or employees be liable for any damages — whether direct, indirect, special, general, consequential, for alleged lost profits, or otherwise – that might result from any use of or reliance on these materials.