MPF Webinars
MPF® Traditional Product Default Servicing:
COVID-19 Payment Deferral Plan Worksheet and Agreement Overview
March 23, 2021
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET
The MPF® Program is pleased to provide a step by step walk-through on completing Appendix A (COVID-19 Payment Deferral Agreement) and Appendix B (COVID-19 Deferral Plan Worksheet) which are required when submitting a COVID-19 Payment Deferral Plan through eMAQCS®plus. We will also provide an overview of the updated SG-354 form (Workout Worksheet) and the entire MPF Traditional product deferral plan process. Job aids for Appendix A, Appendix B and the updated SG-354 form will be provided.
Who should attend?
The presentation is recommended for:
Servicing Staff
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