MPF Webinars
MPF University Welcomes MGIC:
Evaluating Self Employed Income During COVID-19
Fabruary 24, 2021
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET
Calculating the qualifying income of a self-employed borrower is often challenging – but throw a pandemic into the mix – and it becomes daunting! Give us 60 minutes to help you identify where to start, what additional documentation is needed and how to analyze income trends.
Topics include:
Questions to consider regarding COVID-19’s impact on your borrower’s business
Interpreting YTD financial statements
MGIC’s new P&L Statement analysis tool
Impact of YTD earnings on qualifying income
Who should attend?
The presentation is recommended for:
Loan Officers
Loan Processors
Quality Control Staff
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