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Looking Back While Moving Forward

Looking Back While Moving Forward

Member Advantage REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT Second Quarter 2018 Looking Back While Moving Forward In June, the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York issued Strength in Our Cooperative, our 2017 Annual Report to members. The report captures numerous achievements the FHLBNY...
Looking Back While Moving Forward

Disaster Relief Program Grants Introduced

Member Advantage REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT First Quarter 2018 Disaster Relief Program Grants Introduced in Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands In the second half of last year, in response to the devastation wrought by hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, our team – at the...
Looking Back While Moving Forward

A Strong Partner in the New Year

Member Advantage REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT Fourth Quarter 2017 A Strong Partner in the New Year In 2017, the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York reached several significant milestones. In the spring, we moved into our new headquarters – an office space that fosters...
Looking Back While Moving Forward

Opportunities for Growth

Member Advantage REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT Third Quarter 2017 Opportunities for Growth Last month, I had the honor of speaking at both the NJBankers’ Senior Management Conference and the Independent Bankers Association of New York State’s Annual Convention. These two...
Looking Back While Moving Forward

A Vital Source of Guidance

Member Advantage REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT Second Quarter 2017 A Vital Source of Guidance Last month, the FHLBNY’s management team gathered with our Directors for the 2017 strategic Board off-site meeting. Spanning three days of comprehensive meetings, this annual...